Hi Audrey!

I’ve been reflecting on a simple mantra that’s been a total game-changer for me lately, and I wanted to share it with you:

"How can this day get any better than this?"


It might sound small, but this question holds incredible power.  By asking it, you're training your brain to search for more positive moments, even on the most challenging days. It's a gentle reminder that no matter what’s happening, there’s always room for something better to show up—whether it's peace, joy, or just a little relief.

Curious to learn how this mindset shift can transform your day? I’ve written a blog post all about how this simple question invites more positivity into your life.  I’d love for you to check it out!

👉 Read the full post here

In it, I share why this mantra works, how it taps into your brain’s natural ability to focus on the positive, and how you can use it to bring more joy into your day, one small step at a time.

I hope it helps you as much as it’s helped me!  Feel free to hit reply and let me know how asking yourself this question shifts things for you. I love hearing your thoughts!

Wishing you a day that just keeps getting better,

Audrey Weidman

p.s.  If you're curious how I work with clients to create more peace and joy in their lives, book a complimentary call here.