Hello Audrey!

As I sit down to reflect on the past year, I’m struck by how much can change in such a short time. One year ago on 8/30/23, I found myself in the hospital for the second time, experiencing a SCAD heart attack. 

The first heart attack had been a very scary wake-up call, teaching me the dangers of negative self-talk and the harm we can cause ourselves in doing so. The second SCAD, however, was a stark reminder of the consequence of letting anger and resentment fester, especially towards those who don’t treat us as we deserve.  

In both cases, I gave my power away, allowing powerful negative emotions to steer my health in dangerous directions.

But today, I’m not writing to dwell on the past. I’m writing to celebrate the journey since then—the journey of healing, reclaiming my power, and stepping fully into my purpose. 

This year, I have so much to celebrate!  Not only am I heading to celebrate my daughter’s wedding in a few days.  And my husband and I are also marking 35 years of marriage - stronger than ever. 

In the past year, I’ve also made some significant life changes. I’ve largely divested "passive income" rental property business that was becoming toxic.  This will allow me to devote my full time and energy to a cause that’s very important to me: helping other heart attack survivors overcome the trauma of such a life-altering event. 

So today, I’m not just celebrating the fact that I’m still here—I’m celebrating the strength I’ve gained, the wisdom I’ve earned, and the new path I’m on. I look forward to continuing this journey, helping others find their own resilience, and embracing every moment of this beautiful, unpredictable life.

If you or someone you know would benefit from releasing the trauma and fear after experiencing a heart attack - I’d love to have a chat with them.  Reach out and book a complimentary call with me at EmPowerMyHeart.com.  

Here’s to life, love, and the incredible power of the human heart to heal and thrive.

Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.

Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior.

Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits.”  ~ Mahatma Gandhi


With heartfelt gratitude,


Audrey Weidman

Heart Attack Recovery Coach
Schedule a Call With Me

Certified Clear Beliefs Coach * Certified Stress Mastery Educator * Positive Intelligence Coach