Hey Audrey-

Guess who's back and feeling luckier than ever?  That's right, it's yours truly – the heart attack survivor with a knack for turning lemons into lemonade and stress into success!

So, here's the scoop: I took some time off from my work as a coach to focus on my health and wellness journey after scoring not one, but TWO golden tickets in the heart attack lottery.  But I have to admit, I’ve been hiding.  I still have residual embarrassment that this happened to me twice.  I was feeling like an imposter.  Listen to my story below.

Winning this strange heart attack lottery has only reinforced what I already knew deep down: my mission is to assist heart-health challenged people create greater positivity and resilience.   You see positive people are a whole lot more likely to recover faster and be healthier than those that aren’t.  And so much nicer to be around people who are upbeat- wouldn’t you agree?

During my hiatus, I've been busy honing my stress-busting skills, perfecting my positivity playbook, and implementing some seriously life-changing tools to help you kick stress to the curb and embrace the sunny side of life.  

I did this for me - and it’s working!  And now it’s time to share it with you.  In the coming months, I will take you along my imperfect journey - the good, the bad, and the ugly.  I am human - and if you’re reading this - you are too.  Think of it as my way of paying it forward – because hey, when life gives you heart attacks, you make lemonade, right?  And if you know of someone with heart challenges, please forward this email.  It could be exactly what they need.

Now that I'm back working my coaching business, you can expect to see me regularly in your inbox, sharing simple tips, tools, and mind benders (trust me, they work) to help you navigate life's ups and downs with a smile on your face and a skip in your step.  But let’s start right now.  Get three proven stress tips right here.  They are simple and they work!

For even more stress busting strategies, follow me on Facebook and YouTube so that you don’t miss what doesn’t make it into this newsletter.

So, buckle up, buttercup, because I’m inviting you to join me on my journey to complete recovery filled with laughter, learning, and maybe even a little bit of magic. And hey, if you ever need a pick-me-up or a shoulder to lean on, I'm available to have a private call with you - no charge - right here.

Here's to spreading positivity like confetti and making the world a brighter place, one email at a time!

Positively yours,


Audrey Weidman