It's been awhile Audrey.

Last spring, I had a wake-up call—I wasn’t walking the talk. Despite my passion for stress mastery and coaching, I found myself overwhelmed, distracted, and unable to fully focus on my business.

Stress mastery is my passion for a reason. The techniques I’ve learned have literally saved my life... twice. Heart disease is made worse by stress and is the #1 killer of both men and women in Western culture.  I know these skills are not just valuable—they’re essential.

But I found myself distracted —both mentally and physically— by the rental property business I started 20 years ago.  What began as an escape from corporate America and a way to create passive income became anything but passive. Managing properties, dealing with difficult tenants, and navigating financial challenges turned into a significant source of stress. The very thing that was supposed to bring freedom became a heavy burden.

With the recent favorable real estate market, I made a choice: to sell a good number of properties and lighten my load. This decision is creating the space I needed to focus on what truly matters to me—my health, my passion for coaching, and helping others master their stress.

Stress is more under your control than you think. Just as you can create an environment that fosters stress, you can also create one that nurtures peace and growth. It might mean letting go of toxic relationships, changing jobs, or having honest conversations with loved ones about your needs. These are difficult choices, but they’re crucial for a longer, happier life.

Take back your power. Only you know what your biggest stressors are, and only you can decide to make a change. I’m just now coming up for air, and I’d love to share a technique that’s been incredibly helpful for me: it’s called creating an open focus.  Click to watch the video below

Another transformative experience I recently had was attending a Dr. Joe Dispenza event in Denver with my husband. It was life-changing, not just for me, but for us as a couple. The biggest takeaway?  The power of meditation and intentional focus in reducing stress and improving health.

If you’d like to dive deeper into this, I highly recommend watching his newly released documentary, Source. You can find it here, with all proceeds supporting research on the effects of meditation on health.

Remember, stress doesn’t have to control your life. You have the power to create a space for peace, growth, and happiness. I’m here to support you on that journey.  

Are you curious how I might help you reduce your stress?  Schedule a no obligation chat with me and let's see if we are a fit. Schedule right here



Audrey Weidman